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Our Services

Our Services

We offer a wide range of services to suit your requirements, ranging from simple nail clipping, to full grooming and styling to your requirements. We also offer package deals including puppy and nervous dog packages tailored to each animals individual needs

Transfurmation Lab dog bath


We use a range of products and all shampoos and conditioners we use are paraben free, natural based products and pH balanced to meet the dogs skin requirements

Products we use

Transfurmation Lab dog groom

Full Groom

For dogs that require a full haircut or de-shedding treatment.

After a short consultation, we start with a gentle cleansing bath using specialist natural organic shampoo tailored to your dog’s coat and skin type. The coat is then blow dried and brushed out. The dog then receives a de-shed or haircut and style decided upon during the consultation.

Paws and pads are cleaned and trimmed, followed by sanitary trim and ear clean. We finish off with a nail trim and organic cologne spritz.

Transfurmation Lab dog hand strip

Hand Stripping

Hand stripping – various breeds with wire or silky coats require specialised grooming requirements

Hand stripping is a technique where the dead coat is removed by hand, resulting in a natural finish whilst retaining the correct coat texture and colour.

The process includes all elements of our Full Groom service but we use a specially formulated shampoo that retains the harsh coat texture required for a comfortable hand strip.

Transfurmation Lab dog face and foot trim


Your dog might not need a full groom as regularly as they will need their face (ear cleaning included) or feet (nail trim included) tidying up – this can be offered as a standalone service

Transfurmation Lab dog nail clipping

Nail Clipping

Some dogs nails grow quickly so this can become a problem

Transfurmation Lab dog teethclean


We use the revolutionary Emmi®-pet toothbrush. The ultrasonic toothbrush is completely silent, non vibrating and non invasive. It eliminates abrasive brushing of the teeth and is gentle on your dog's enamel and gums. It is effective against the formation of tartar, inflammation of the gums and bad breath.

The toothbrush works by oscillations at 96 million air oscillations per minute. When these ultrasound waves are mixed with water and a special toothpaste millions of nano bubbles are created and they keep imploding on each other- this creates a suction effect which removes impurities, plaque and tartar and kills germs and bacteria.

Transfurmation Lab puppy grooming package

Puppy Package

Recommended to start as soon as they have had their second vaccination – this includes 3 sessions spread out of the course of 2-3 weeks to suit you.

Session 1 – approx. a 30 minute assessment of how it responds to various elements of grooming

Session 2 and 3 – approx. 1hr each - Breaking up a full groom into 2 sessions so as not to be too long. This includes bathing and drying the dog, face trimming/styling, ear cleaning, feet tidying, puppy clip/de-shed

Transfurmation Lab dog care package

Nervous dog package

Recommended for dogs that are nervous of new people/people coming to your home. Again I break down the groom into 3 sessions over 1-2 weeks to try and build their trust and minimise stress to them.

Session 1 – approx. 30 min – spent building dogs trust and allowing them to come to me on their own terms – with the use of positive reinforcement.

Session 2 and 3- approx. 1hr each - Breaking up a full groom into 2 sessions so as not to be too long. This includes bathing and drying the dog, face trimming/styling, ear cleaning, feet tidying, clip/de-shed





Our Professional Team

Transfurmation Lab staff grooming

Ellie Timberlake

Ellie has always had a love of animals from a young age, having owned various pets throughout her life. She continued this love of animals through into her choice of Degree; studying and graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Management from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

After University Ellie became an Animal Instructor with Abingdon and Witney College teaching students the safe handling and practical husbandry of a wide range of animals ranging from small rodents to reptiles, birds to dogs. Specialising in teaching the practical elements and Science subjects she found Dog grooming along the way and has been quietly honing her skills over the last 10 years whilst teaching dog grooming part time.

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